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Thanksgiving Address: A Story of Home and Kinship

Writer: Heidi Schreiber-PanHeidi Schreiber-Pan

Person greeting a Carolina Wren on a sunlit porch at dawn, symbolizing nature-informed gratitude and kinship.
Embracing nature as our true home: Inspired by the Mohawk Thanksgiving Address and Gary Snyder’s call to ‘remember to remember.’

I first encountered Gary Snyder’s work in an unexpected way—through a conversation with John Stokes from The Tracking Project. John spoke passionately about greeting nature as though it were a beloved neighbor. He called this daily ritual “remembering to remember,” a way to recognize that we belong to the living Earth just as surely as an oak tree’s roots belong to the soil.

At that moment, I didn’t fully grasp how much those words would resonate with me. I’d grown used to viewing nature as something to admire—lovely but often separate from my day-to-day life. John challenged that notion, calling it an illusion, a forgetting of our true place in the world. He told me about the Mohawk (Haudenosaunee) Thanksgiving Address, which expresses gratitude for everything that sustains life—water, plants, animals, and more. “They believe this practice can transform our worldview,” he said, “and they hope it spreads far and wide.” Though we must always credit the Mohawk community for sharing the Thanksgiving Address, we shouldn’t let fear of cultural appropriation stop us from embracing this beautiful tradition. In some form or another, our own ancestors likely practiced a similar expression of gratitude.

Intrigued, I went home and spent time reading Gary Snyder’s writing. His words felt like the missing piece of a puzzle. One quote stood out:

“Nature is not a place to visit. It is home.”

— Gary Snyder

Suddenly, everything John had told me made sense. I realized I’d been treating nature like a weekend getaway—pleasant but temporary—when in reality, it’s our true home. Too often, we forget this, just as we forget to take off our shoes when entering our own front door. But we can remember, if we slow down enough to notice.

The next morning, I woke early, slipped on my shoes, and stepped outside. Dawn’s light was still faint, and the air felt cool against my skin. A Carolina Wren fluttered onto the porch and twittered softly. I smiled and said, “Good morning, how are you today?” as if greeting a friendly neighbor. In that brief moment, my sense of separateness faded. We both belonged to the same patch of Earth, sharing the dawn.

This humble act—greeting a bird, a breeze, or even a heavy cloud—can shift perspective. It reminds me to pause before diving into the day’s demands, to “remember to remember” that I’m part of something vast and interwoven. Like Snyder’s poetry, it roots me in the understanding that this land isn’t just coordinates on a map. It’s a living, breathing community that welcomes me daily—if I choose to acknowledge it.

Over time, I’ve woven the Mohawk Thanksgiving Address into these early morning rituals. Just as they express gratitude for everything in the natural world, I silently thank the water in my home, the trees offering shade, and the birds that sing me awake. Each time, I feel more connected to the Earth beneath my feet, as though recognizing a long-lost kinship.

When I share this ritual with friends or colleagues, they’re often surprised—sometimes amused—but usually intrigued. It’s as if we all crave a simpler, more genuine bond with the Earth, a bond we once knew but misplaced amid modern busyness. And once you start greeting nature with a friendly hello, you realize just how much it has to share in return.

I still recall John’s parting words that day: “Don’t forget to thank your neighbors, the ones with feathers and leaves. They’ve been here a long time, looking out for us.” Thanks to Gary Snyder, the Mohawk Thanksgiving Address, and John Stokes, I’m learning that each morning is a chance to remember exactly where I belong—in the home that is nature, shared with countless living beings in a dance that has been unfolding since long before my time.

Further Exploration

The Practice of the Wild (Gary Snyder): Essays reflecting Snyder’s ecological philosophies and community-oriented worldview.

The Tracking Project (John Stokes): Workshops and programs that foster a renewed awareness of our own wildness and the principle of “remember to remember.”

The Thanksgiving Address (Mohawk/Haudenosaunee): A traditional expression of gratitude to all living and natural elements, intended to foster unity and respect.


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